Re: Close enough to Friday...

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On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 10:19 PM, tamouse mailing lists
<tamouse.lists@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Congratulations on ditching the Dreamweaver Templates!
> Now, as to preprocessing: how does this benchmark out? Have you
> noticed a significant different in processing time, memory usage, disk
> usage, etc?

Well, it depends...

For example, if you use code similar to the inlined function example,
there is a difference. In that example, the inlined code runs almost
twice as fast.

$a = 1;
$b = 2;
$start = microtime();

for ($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) {
$result = ($a > $b && $a % 2 !== 0) ? $a : (($b % 2 !== 0) ? $b : (($a
% 2 !== 0) ? $a : null));

$runtime = microtime() - $start;
echo $runtime;



function maxodd($a, $b)
        return ($a > $b && $a % 2 !== 0) ? $a : (($b % 2 !== 0) ? $b : (($a %
2 !== 0) ? $a : null));

$a = 1;
$b = 2;
$start = microtime();

for ($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) {
$result = maxodd($a, $b);

$runtime = microtime() - $start;
echo $runtime;


That said, there's tremendous variance across the possible range of
function types (e.g., number of args, complexity of function, etc.),
so there's no guarantee you'll always see a worthwhile (which is also
subjective) improvement. I'm going to use inlining for functions that
output html-escaped output (the function wraps htmlspecialchars to
allow whitelisting), as they're frequent and simple, the very type of
function that is easily inlined and provides some speed benefit.

In terms of the templating, in my tests using siege comparing
Dreamweaver Templates vs PHP includes, I've typically seen significant
benefits when the template requires multiple includes, with the effect
dropping off as the number of includes approaches 0. These results
should be the same. Again, there seems to be a broad range of
considerations (in terms of using APC, using absolute paths helped the
include performance:

There are usually bigger ways to enhance performance (data
persistence, etc.), but in the same way that I try to teach my little
girls to turn off the faucet in between spitting into the sink even
though monitoring showers can do much more to save water, when I see
simple ways I can consistently save cycles, I try to implement them :)


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