Good afternoon PHP gurus,
I am trying to troubleshoot a problem on a Windows server (*UGH*). This
is the error -
The FastCGI Handler was unable to process the request.
Error Details:
* The FastCGI process exceeded configured activity timeout
* Error Number: 258 (0x80070102).
* Error Description: The wait operation timed out.
HTTP Error 500 - Server Error.
Internet Information Services (IIS)
Here is the code it appears to be choking on -
/* open the file for reading and/or writing */
$csvFile = fopen(CSV_FILE, "rb");
$csvTemp = fopen(CSV_TEMP_FILE, "wb");
if(!$csvTemp) {
echo 'failed tp open '.CSV_TEMP_FILE;
/* create the edit vehicle info */
/* create a stock number for this vehicle */
$vinPart = substr($_POST['vin-number'], -6);
$stockNumber = 'EC'.$vinPart;
/* create a line to be inserted into the .csv file */
$csvContent = $stockNumber.',';
$csvContent .= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['vehUser']).',';
$csvContent .= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['vmake']).',';
$csvContent .= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['vmodel']).',';
$csvContent .= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['vyear']).',';
$csvContent .=
$csvContent .= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['vprice']).',';
$csvContent .=
/* loop through and write edited lines back in while
maintaining non-edited lines */
while(!FEOF($csvFile)) {
/* get current line information */
$originalLineArray = fgetcsv($csvFile, 4096, ',');
/* test and replace as required */
if(is_array($originalLineArray)) {
if($stockNumber == $originalLineArray[0]) {
fwrite($csvTemp, $csvContent);
} else {
$currentLine = implode(",", $originalLineArray);
$currentLine = $currentLine."\r\n";
fwrite($csvTemp, $currentLine);
/* close the files */
/* rename the temp file */
Anyone have any clue why this might be happening? I have followed the
events using Process Monitor which doesn't complain at all, yet the temp
file gets created but never written to. I have been all over the web for
a couple of hours now with no clue as to what is going on. I'd really
appreciate any hints or tips.
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