On Tue, 13 Mar 2012 16:35:44 +0200, Arno Kuhl <arno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> sent:
From: Ashley Sheridan [mailto:ash@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 13 March 2012 03:25 PM
To: arno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Getting knotted with quotes encoding
Arno Kuhl <arno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I've been battling with quotes encoding when outputting javascript with
It can't be unique, so I'm hoping someone has a working solution
they're willing to share.
The following works perfectly as long as there aren't any single quotes
in the link text:
echo "<span onclick=\"insertLink('$sUrl','$sTitle')\"
if $sTitle has the value What's new it outputs:
<span onclick="insertLink('article/whats-new.html','What's
new')" class='linkSel'>What's new</span>
It displays fine, but javascript complains with:
Expected ')' linkmanager.php Line:525 Char:63
So I fix this by swapping the double and single quotes around:
echo "<span onclick='insertLink(\"$sUrl\",\"$sTitle\")'
Now for that specific link it outputs:
<span onclick='insertLink("article/whats-new.html","What's
new")' class='linkSel'>What's new</span> And javascript is happy.
But elsewhere there's a link Fred "Buster" Cox and it outputs:
<span onclick='insertLink("article/fred-buster-cox.html","Fred
"Buster" Cox")' class='linkSel'>Fred "Buster"
Again it displays fine, but javascript complains with:
Expected ')' linkmanager.php Line:743 Char:77
So it looks like I can't have links that include single quotes and
double quotes, only one or the other.
One work-around I thought of was to convert any link texts that
included double quotes into single quotes when the content is posted,
and it would then be displayed with single quotes even though the user
entered double quotes. It's far from ideal but it would work, though I
can think of a few situations where it would be quite confusing to the
reader. Are there any other solutions that would allow both types of
quotes without any conversions?
You aren't escaping the quotes correctly when they go into your
output. You're escaping them for html not javascript. Javascript
(like php) escapes single quotes inside a single quote string with a
back slash.
Thanks for that Ashley.
You're right about the encoding.
I had a line prior to that:
$sTitle = htmlentities($title, ENT_QUOTES, 'ISO-8859-1', FALSE);
Which encoded the quotes.
I couldn't find anything so made a function, which might be useful
for others.
It’s a first shot, I'm sure there are ways to improve performance.
I also changed the encoding to exclude single quotes.
(I'm sure the indenting will get screwed up in the mail)
$sTitle = fixSingleQuotes(htmlentities($title, ENT_COMPAT,
'ISO-8859-1', FALSE));
// convert single quotes to curly quotes, xml compliant
// assumes apostrophes must be between 2 alpha chars
// and any other ' is a single quote
// ‘ = left single quote
// ’ = right single quote and apostrophe
function fixSingleQuotes($sText)
if (strpos($sText, "'") !== FALSE) {
// there are quotes to convert
$bOpenQuote = FALSE;
$arrAlpha = explode(' ', "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t
u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z");
$arrText = str_split($sText);
while (($pos = strpos($sText, "'")) !== FALSE) {
if ($pos == 0) {
// must be an open quote in first pos
$sText = "‘".substr($sText, 1);
$bOpenQuote = TRUE;
} else {
if (in_array($arrText[$pos-1], $arrAlpha) AND
in_array($arrText[$pos+1], $arrAlpha)) {
// apostrophe
$quote = "’";
} else {
// quote
if (!$bOpenQuote) {
$quote = "‘";
$bOpenQuote = TRUE;
} else {
$quote = "’";
$bOpenQuote = FALSE;
$sText = substr($sText, 0, $pos).$quote.substr($sText, $pos+1);
return ($sText);
} //fixSingleQuotes()
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This is interesting. I wasn't aware that javascript reencoded html
entities in this way.
I'm wondering, though, wouldn't a call to addslashes work in this case?
Tamara Temple
aka tamouse__
May you never see a stranger's face in the mirror
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