On 03/12/2012 06:38 AM, Lester Caine wrote:
Simon Schick wrote:
I suggest that all done with this variable before is not of interest ...
Assuming this, I'd say the following:
Right here you are creating two strings within an array within an array.
My guess is you will want to replace the $secondsGap[] with $secondsGap
> $secondsGap[] = array($gap[0] * 60, $gap[1] * 60);
Implicit initializing of an array that has the following structure:
array( array(int, int) );
OK $gap comes from the loop
foreach(self::$timeGap as $gap)
self::$timeGap is a list of pairs of numbers.
> if( isset($secondsGap[1]) ) {
Trying to get the second element .. which will never happen if you
haven't added an element before the snipped you pasted here.
> $gapName = $secondsGap[0]."to".$secondsGap[1];
> } else {
> $gapName = $secondsGap[0];
> }
I'm quite unsure what you want to do here. If you'd update the first
line as following it would always trigger the first condition:
$secondsGap = array($gap[0] * 60, $gap[1] * 60);
What this code is doing perfectly in PHP5.3 is generating the text
string to display for each time period listed in the array of pairs of
numbers ( some with a 'blank' second number and what the code returns is
a string of the format '(number1)to(number2)' or simply '(number1)' -
something fairly standard in PHP? But the nanny message says it need to
be re-writen, the question is 'How?' :(
Jim Lucas
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