Hello Mates, Maybe my subject line is not descriptive as I wish, but I just did not know how to put on it. I have the following problem, I'm using jQuery to make a slide effect (horizontal), everything seems to be working find, but I have to add a mask with a white color background, I did this by CSS, now I have 6 pages in total, this is managed by wp anyway, it shows the white bakground mask in every page, and I want it to show in every page but not the home page; since I'm using a slider effect and a container, it became very difficult to me, maybe any of you can explain me a way to a easy fix, I will show you the lines of code: <div id="wrapper"> <div id="mask"> <?php $pages = list_all_pages(); ?> <?php //Get first and last page ID $cnt = 0; foreach($pages as $page) { $post_keys = get_post_custom_values('section_id', $page->ID); $post_key[$cnt] = $post_keys[0]; $cnt++; } ?> <?php $cnt = 0; foreach($pages as $page) { $post_keys = get_post_custom_values('section_id', $page->ID); ?> <div class="item <?php if(($jxfs_transition == 'horizontal_vertical' && $cnt%2 == 0) || ($jxfs_transition == 'horizontal')) { echo 'fl';} ?>" id="<?php echo $post_keys[0]; ?>"> <div class="content"> <?php $page_content = get_page($page->ID); ?> <ul class="container"> //This is the container with the white background. <li class='grid_820'> <?php echo do_shortcode($page_content->post_content); ?> </li> As you can see, I'm using this for all pages, I was trying to use another template-code to tell wordpress that home page uses another page as home, but it does not work for some reason. Anyway, help will be appreciated. -- Carlos Sura.- www.carlossura.com