Re: Overriding session length in existing session?

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I think that my suggestion is still a valid solution, someone correct
me if I'm wrong.  Let's say your code went like this:


 // Check to see if the session variable has already been set, if not
if (!isset($_SESSION['var'])){

        // Check to see if it's been stored in a cookie
	if (isset($_COOKIE['var'])){
		$_SESSION['var'] = $_COOKIE['var'];

        // If not, set the session variable and store it in a cookie for 7 days
		$_SESSION['var'] = "value";
		setcookie ("var", $_SESSION['var'], time()+86400 * 7, "/", "");
echo "Here I am using my session variable, it's value is ".$_SESSION['var'];

So if that's in the header of every page, but you want to make an
acception if the person is using a public computer, you just add
something like:

if ($_POST['public_terminal'] === TRUE){

    // "Delete" the cookie
    setcookie("var","",time() - 3600);	

echo "Here I am *still* using my session variable, it's value is
".$_SESSION['var']." and it will expire when the browser closes";


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