Morning everyone!
I have a design question... No it's not about the interior of my
house... although I could use some help with that as well...
I am working on a framework for my own use (And maybe one day will
beat out the popular frameworks! Hey I can dream right? :)) and to
increase my knowledge.
Here's my current index page:
DJ_head("Double J FrameWork", $cfgCss, $cfgMeta);
DJ_modules("navigation", "option");
DJ_page("main_content.html", "mainContent");
DJ_footer("copywrite", "Double J Web Design");
It all works perfectly but I'm starting to question having a bunch of
function calls like that or should I simply have a big master
DJ_displayPage() call?
or should I have my framework create the html files? Has anyone gone
down this road before? any pitfalls I should watch out for that aren't
in google yet? :)
Thanks everyone!
Jason Pruim
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