On 1/30/2011 2:34 PM, Ethan Rosenberg wrote:
I make more mistakes reading emails than you do!!
Would you [or anyone else on this list] please help me with my questions
1] How do I install it? [msql NOT mysql] apt-get install does not find
the package.
Enter "<your distro> apt-get install msql" ...
I entered "linux apt-get install msql"
and the second result I get is this
If your distro is not ubuntu, I'm sorry, but you haven't said what you
are running yet.
2] Excuse my ignorance, what is a dynamic extension?
Again, http://www.google.com
Enter "what is a dynamic extension" ...
Here is a good result from the list returned....
I hope this gets you headed down the right path.
Jim Lucas
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