On 03/01/2011 20:26, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
On Mon, 2011-01-03 at 15:11 -0500, Bastien Koert wrote:
On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 2:30 PM, David Lidstone<dnet@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 03/01/2011 18:38, Nilesh Govindarajan wrote:
On 01/03/2011 11:46 PM, David Lidstone wrote:
First up, I apologise as this must have been posted before, but the
server is so slow I can't search, or even read messages often. I'm
using Thunderbird - any tips on how to access news.php.net faster!?
In Apache, I can set "ErrorDocument 404 /myerrorpage.php" and it
works. Doing the same but with a 500 error for a PHP script, it
doesn't. I just get the PHP error printed on the screen. What I've
seen on the net implies to me that PHP does not fully interact with
Apache when it generates an error, and therefore this approach will
not work. Is this correct?
I just want to redirect to a PHP page on 500 error and run a small
script. Any suggestions?
Many thanks,
Basically, it is not a 500 error.
It's an error produced by the php itself.
The file which was run by php had some error, so php outputs that error
to the client. This is actually a successful request when you see from
the apache's eye.
That's what I feared, although my server seems to send 500 headers but my
local xampp install sends 200 headers. Strange.
So what do people do about getting notified about errors? - I have too many
sites to look after to manually sift through logs. I can't refactor every
script with try / catch (which wouldn't catch compile bugs anyway)? How does
Apache know to log the error with "ErrorLog" but not redirect with
"ErrorDocument"? Is there a way I can piggy-back this behaviour instead?
Sorry for so many questions, but the more I look at this the crazier it
seems and most of the stuff on the net is just static!
Perl interacts "fully" with Apache from what I can gather. Anyone know
whether this is planned for the future? When I had to use IIS and ASP it had
this functionality and it was very handy.
Thanks again,
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Check the php.ini file to ensure that error reporting is turned on.
This will allow php to show you where/what the error is.
For a dev box this is acceptable but should be turned off in production
Cat, the other other white meat
If the same sorts of errors are happening over and over, then you should
look into it, as it could be affecting your users on the website. Try
and unit test whatever parts you can, so that you can see what happens
when a user interacts with your app.
Thanks for your reply Ashley
Unfortunately, this isn't really what I was getting at. I'm really just
looking for something which will notify us every time there is an error
on any of the very many disparate scripts / 'apps' running on a given
server. There is no one app although many are built on a framework which
has a boot-strap file similar to ZF so a set_error_handler solution,
while far from ideal, may cover some bases if there is one? There are
possible solutions I can think of such as parsing all the log files
perhaps, but none of these are as elegant as what is available to
Apache/Perl and IIS/ASP which is suprising to me as PHP usually covers
all the bases. I'm hoping I'm just ignorant of that simple solution?
I'm also interested in the functionality and interaction of PHP with
Apache - I know little of this, but as noted in my original post, there
appears on the surface to be some discrepancy about this interaction in
terms of logging vs error documents. Perhaps I should be posting some of
this in .internals or one of the other groups?
Many thanks,
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