On 09/14/2010 12:16 AM, Camilo Sperberg wrote:
I have some really strange behaviour going on here, and I think it could be a (minor) PHP's bug. I am not really sure about what happens internally, but my best guess would be that after a memory exhaustion, when I try to execute a custom error handler with the register_shutdown_function (which is executed even after a fatal error) and try to access the element that provoked the memory exhaustion, no error should raise instead of *Uninitialized string offset: 0. I have prepared a little test case to reproduce the error and (I hope) can explain the error. <?php date_default_timezone_set('America/Santiago'); ini_set('memory_limit','1M'); ini_set('display_errors',1); error_reporting(-1); function my_error_handler($errno = '0', $errstr = '[FATAL] General Error', $errfile = 'N/A', $errline = 'N/A', $errctx = '') { global $clean_exit; if(empty($clean_exit)) { ini_set('memory_limit','16M'); ob_start(); echo '<h1>PHP v'.PHP_VERSION.', error N° '.$errno.'</h1>'; ?><h4>-- BEGIN COPY --</h4><p style="font-size:110%;margin:50px 0 20px 25px"><em>Error N°:</em><br /><?php echo '<strong>'.$errno.'</strong><br />'; ?><em>Error Detail:</em><br /><?php echo '<strong>'.$errstr.'</strong><br /><em>File:</em><br /><strong>'.$errfile.'</strong><br /><em>Line:</em><br /><strong>'.$errline.'</strong><br /><em>Debug:</em><br />'; if (isset($errctx['r']['print'])) echo '<p>THIS LINE GIVES THE ERROR, WHAT SHOULD IT RETURN?</p>';
Maybe i'm missing something here (kinda sick at home) but.. What do you expect to happen here? When i do a var_dump() on $errctx i get string(0) "" That would explain the error you are seeing.
?></p><h4>-- END COPY --</h4><?php $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); die($content); } } set_error_handler('my_error_handler'); register_shutdown_function('my_error_handler'); for ($i = 0; $i< 10000; $i++) $a[$i] = mt_rand(1,254); $r['print'] = print_r($a,TRUE); echo '<p>Everything fine.</p>'; $clean_exit = TRUE; * Would this be a bug or is this expected behaviour? I have tested this on PHP v5.2.14, I've not tested it yet on 5.3.3, but I guess it would have the same behaviour. Greetings!
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