On Sep 12, 2010, at 1:33 PM, tedd wrote:
At 5:57 PM +0100 9/12/10, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
On Sun, 2010-09-12 at 12:55 -0400, tedd wrote:
Can a business have a server connected to the Internet but limit
access to just their employees? I don't mean a password protected
scheme, but rather the server being totally closed to the outside
world other than to their internal employees? Or is this something
that can only be provided by a LAN with no Internet connection?
Not entirely sure what you're asking, but could you maybe achieve
something like this with a WAN using a VPN?
I'm sure this is an obvious question for many on this list, but I'm
not above showing my ignorance.
I guess what I am asking -- if a client wanted an application
written (in web languages) so that their employees could link all
their different computers together and share/use information using
browsers, is that possible using a server that is not connected to
the Internet?
Look, I know that I can solve my clients problems by finding a host
and writing scripts to do what they want -- that's not a problem.
But everything I do is open to the world. Sure I can provide some
level of security, but nothing like the security that can be
provided behind closed and locked doors.
So, can I do what I do (i.e., programming) without having a host?
Can I install a local server at my clients location and interface
all their computers to use the server without them ever being
connected to the Internet?
Maybe I should ask my grandson. :-)
Hi tedd,
I may not know all the possibilities but the only way I can think of
to accomplish that would be to have a server setup in their office
with a bank of modems and have everyone call into the server.
Basically like an old school internet provider.
If the main server can be secured to your clients liking there are
ways that it can be on the net and still as safe as possible... But
obviously not as safe as hard lines being dialed in...
You'ld also have to take into account possibly long distance charges
if everyone wasn't local...
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