On Aug 31, 2010, at 2:34 PM, Joshua Kehn wrote:
On Aug 31, 2010, at 3:31 PM, Karl DeSaulniers wrote:
Say I have some text.
$text = 'You can logon here: <a href="http://website.com/shop/
index.php?username='.$username.'</a>. This link will take you to
your web browser to login.'.$eol;
I want to be able to strip the "<a href="http://website.com/shop/
index.php?username='.$username.'">" and </a>.
Leaving just the http://website.com/shop/index.php?username='.
$username.' text, so it would end up like.
$text = 'You can logon here: http://website.com/shop/index.php?
username='.$username.'. This link will take you to your web
browser to login.'.$eol;
I have tried MANY different ways and have no success.
Can anyone help me?
Karl DeSaulniers
Design Drumm
Would it be safe to simply strip out anything between < and > ?
Joshua Kehn | Josh.Kehn@xxxxxxxxx
Hi Josh,
Safe? Not sure what you mean.
The text is for an email that is originally done in html code,
that when sent, checks to see if the recipiant can get html emails.
if not the text version is sent, but I want to remove any <a href""></
a> tags before sending.
This is how it starts:
$text = 'You can logon here: <a href="http://website.com/shop/
username='.$username.'</a>. This link will take you to your web
browser to login.'.$eol;
This is how I want it if they dont get the thml version
$text = 'You can logon here: http://website.com/shop/index.php?
username='.$username.'. This link will take you to your web browser
to login.'.$eol;
Hope that clarifies
Karl DeSaulniers
Design Drumm
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