On Tue, 2010-07-06 at 18:41 -0300, Augusto Flavio wrote: > Hi List, > > > I'm looking for a chat support likes the livezilla. The livezilla is a great > tool but doesn't have language supports to another language instead english > and german (operator side). Then I thought that a good option would be > develop my own chat support. > > A great solution is build the server side in PHP. The client side would be > developed in PHP. For the operator side I thought that could be a Desktop > Windows Application build using the Flex. > > > I found that have a communication tool called BlazeDS for Flex that works > and helps with the development of this chat support. But the BlazeDS is for > Flex/Java. Is there some tool in PHP that helps the development of a server > web messaging likes the BlazeDS? > > > > Thanks for all. > > > > Augusto Morais It depends what you need the chat to do. Are you looking for a full chatroom or a one-to-one chat option? You could quite easily have an AJAX front-end that queries the server every ½ second or so for new messages and display them. You could have something up and running very easily in no time at all. Thanks, Ash http://www.ashleysheridan.co.uk