Hi, I have a code sniplet which does not work and I do not know why: ----8<------------------------------------------------------------------ $isfile=shell_exec("ls /tmp/tdphp-vserver/SESSION_" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "_" . $_COOKIE['VSERVER_AUTHUSER'] . "_* |head -n1"); if (is_file($isfile)) { <snip> ----8<------------------------------------------------------------------ nothing special, and the file is there, but the stuff with is_file($isfile) is not working... If I enter the file in place of $isfile, then it is working. Quoting of $isfile does not work too. What have a overseen? Oh, if you think, it is an array, no it is not, because otherwise if (is_array($isfile)) { would work. Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening Michelle Konzack
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