David McGlone wrote:
On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 08:45:19PM -0400, David McGlone wrote:
Does anyone have any experience with authorize.net?
I have a test account with authorize.net and I have written a script to
use the checkout of authorize.net but I keep getting this error:
3|2|13|The merchant login ID or password is invalid or the account is
and this error:
3|2|13|The merchant login ID or password is invalid or the account is
I have checked and rechecked my login ID and password with no results.
The code is spread across 3 files config.php, authorize_net_request.php,
and test_authorize_net.php and I have posted these files to pastebin
because I didn't know if I could post the code here.
Could someone give these files a look over and see what I've done wrong?
The pastebin URL is:
Last time I encountered an error like this with an e-gateway, the
problem was that, despite what I thought, the account was actually
inactive. It wasn't authorize.net, but I'm betting that your gateway ID
and password are fine, just like mine were. I had to call them to find
out the account was, for some reason, deemed "inactive".
Thank you Paul. I'm going to check into that. I was thinking I typed something
wrong. I compared my pages of code to the code in the book and couldn't find
anything, so I started wondering if the book was even correct.
Another thing I find odd that makes me wonder if I did this correctly is when I
compare the error I get with my test transaction to the successful test
transaction in the book, I notice it says "auth_only" on the left side and
"prior_auth_capture" on the right side but, both of mine says "auth_capture"
I found the example I'm working on at google books here's the link:
It is on page 646
Could it be that you have the config not set to test mode but you are
connecting via the test URL?
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