On 03/25/2010 03:51 PM, David Lidstone wrote:
We recently para-virtualised a Xen / CentOS box which is running script
which uses fsockopen() to get a connection to an SMTP server.
Since the server changes it fails approx 50% of the time with:
"php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Temporary failure in name
We've tried the solutions from Googling this error (such as restarting
Apache etc), but without success.
Why am I wasting your time with a Linux upgrade issue? Well,
gethostbyname() seems to resolve the IP every time. Manual lookups on
from the server seem to work with no problems.
Any help greatly appreciated. Should I perhaps be pointing this out on
the 'internals' list?
I feel its something do with your DNS settings and/or the server.
If that's not the problem then just as a temp solution add your SMTP
server's address provided it has a static IP (99.9% it has) to your
/etc/hosts file.
It should not give trouble then.
Nilesh Govindarajan
Site & Server Administrator
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