On Thu, 21 Jan 2010 08:43:58 +1100, clancy_1@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote: > When you are working with sessions, provided you start your program with session_id(), you > can then do anything you like with session variables at any point in your program. In my > original question I asked if there was a cookie equivalent. The HTTP spec allows cookies to be sent after the content, in trailing headers, but it's not usable practically. Few browsers support it, and PHP certainly doesn't. You'd have to write a CGI to get away with it. The only user agents I know of that support trailers are the WC3 and WDG validators, and Opera(!). Trailer test: <http://luden.se/http/test/trailer/> Some results: <http://browsershots.org/http://luden.se/http/test/trailer/?p=63> /Nisse -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php