Hello, I am working with a login page to use with an application that we are planning to make available as a web service. The login.php page itself works correctly, however when I try and pass parameters to the login page the are not being recognized by the login.php page. Here is the basic code that I am dealing with to attempt to the the variables: <?php $username = $HTTP_POST_VARS['username']; $password = $HTTP_POST_VARS['password']; $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; echo $username; ?> When I enter the url http://localost/index.php?username=jasperadmin&password=****** Where localhost is the ip address of my server and ****** is the password of the user that is logging in, I am not having the username questioned and the login.php isacting as if I have not entered any parameters. Why are the parameters not being accepted? I am using php version 5.2.6 on a ubuntu linux box Thank you Eric H. Lommatsch Programmer 360 Business