On 9 Sep 2009, at 16:37, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
On Wed, 2009-09-09 at 15:14 +0100, Matthew Croud wrote:
On 9 Sep 2009, at 15:09, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
On Wed, 2009-09-09 at 14:46 +0100, Matthew Croud wrote:
On 9 Sep 2009, at 14:36, Bob McConnell wrote:
From: Bastien Koert
On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 5:27 AM, Matthew
Croud<matt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'm writing an app that let's my client upload images, the image
html code
is added to an XML file.
Take a look at the <image> element below:
<item Code="e1022">
<image><![CDATA[<img src="uploads/image2.jpg" alt="Homepage
width="124" height="70" />]]></image>
<name>Blue Ski Trousers</name>
Now, whenever PHP writes this to the XML files, it turns the <
< and > . which means it does not display on the webpage.
How can I
prevent this from happening ?
Does the xml string get passed to htmlentities() or a similar
function before it is sent to the browser? That would explain the
substitutions. I saw an xmlentities() variation mentioned
Bob McConnell
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Hi Bob,
Nope the string doesn't get passed into any function.
Here is the XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<item Code="e1021">
<image><![CDATA[<img src="uploads/image1.jpg" alt="Homepage
Image" width="124" height="70" border="1"
image1.jpg','Preview','width=680,height=520')" />]]></image>
<name>Red Jacket</name>
<desc>An adult sized red jacket</desc>
<item Code="e1022">
<image><![CDATA[<img src="uploads/image2.jpg" alt="Homepage
Image" width="124" height="70" border="1"
image2.jpg','Preview','width=680,height=520')" />]]></image>
<name>Blue Ski Trousers</name>
<desc>A pair of Blue Ski Trousers</desc>
Now the image tags I have written here I have done manually, but
I use PHP using DOM they come out like this (note the image
<item Code="e1024">
<image><![CDATA[<img src="uploads/image4.jpg" alt="Homepage
Image" width="124" height="70" border="1"
image4.jpg','Preview','width=680,height=520')" />]]></image>
<name>orange top</name>
<desc>an orange jacket</desc>
Matthew Croud
Obvious Print Solutions Limited
Unit 3 Abbeygate Court
Stockett Lane
ME15 0PP
T | 0845 094 9704
F | 0845 094 9705
I've not experienced this with using any DOM functions, but if we
see your code it might help us.
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Well i'll pop the PHP down here, i'll trim it as much as i can:
$code = $_POST['code'];
$name = $_POST['name'];
$desc = $_POST['desc'];
$size = $_POST['size'];
$price = $_POST['price'];
#load an XML document into the DOM
$dom = new DomDocument();
$dom -> load("items.xml");
#create elements
$Xitem = $dom -> createElement("item");
$Xcode = $dom -> createElement("code");
$Ximage = $dom -> createElement("image");
$Xname = $dom -> createElement("name");
$Xdesc = $dom -> createElement("desc");
$Xsize = $dom -> createElement("size");
$Xprice = $dom -> createElement("price");
#create text nodes
$Xcodetext = $dom -> createTextNode($code);
$Ximagetext = $dom -> createTextNode( "<![CDATA[<img src=\"uploads/
$UploadName\" alt=\"Homepage Image\" width=\"124\" height=\"70\"
border=\"1\" onclick=\"MM_openBrWindow('uploads/
$UploadName','Preview','width=680,height=520')\" />]]>" );
$Xnametext = $dom -> createTextNode($name);
$Xdesctext = $dom -> createTextNode($desc);
$Xsizetext = $dom -> createTextNode($size);
$Xpricetext = $dom -> createTextNode($price);
#append the text nodes to the inner nested elements
$Xcode -> appendChild($Xcodetext);
$Ximage -> appendChild($Ximagetext);
$Xname -> appendChild($Xnametext);
$Xdesc -> appendChild($Xdesctext);
$Xsize -> appendChild($Xsizetext);
$Xprice -> appendChild($Xpricetext);
#append the inner nested elements to the <item> element
$Xitem -> appendChild($Xcode);
$Xitem -> appendChild($Ximage);
$Xitem -> appendChild($Xname);
$Xitem -> appendChild($Xdesc);
$Xitem -> appendChild($Xsize);
$Xitem -> appendChild($Xprice);
$Xitem -> setAttribute("Code",$code);
#append the <title> element to the root element
$dom -> documentElement -> appendChild($Xitem);
#create a new enlarged xml document
$dom -> save("items.xml");
It looks like it's because you are creating an image object by
a text node inside CDATA to it. My guess is that a text node will have
the contents automatically made 'safe' for the XML entities which
are <,
, &, etc.
Why are you appending the child item like this? What's wrong with
it as a proper object, attributes and all?
Hi Ash,
Thanks for getting back to me,
In all honesty this method is what's implemented in the course book
i've been following.
I been using XML longer and i've never had this issue using image tags
before and getting the output I expected.
Is there a way around this safety mechanism ? Otherwise i'll have to
think of another way of doing this.
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