hack988 hack988 wrote:
Reference vars in php would not be unset if it reference by another
var,so you must keep original var had'nt being reference.
You can't reference a reference in PHP. If you take the reference of a
variable that is itself a reference then you are taking a reference to
the referenced value and not the reference variable itself. This is
illustrated in the following example:
$foo = '123';
$fee = '987';
$blah = &$foo;
$bleh = &$blah;
$blah = &$fee;
echo 'blah: '.$blah."\n";
echo 'bleh: '.$bleh."\n";
What I think you meant to say, is that a value is not unset as long as
it has at least one variable referencing it. You most certainly unset
the reference if you apply unset to it, it is the value referenced that
may remain.
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