Greetings, I'm having a problem trying to get a file download prompt. Basically I have a page with image links. When the link is clicked, the user is directed to another page I have. That page finds the image path based on the image ID from the previous page. Once the image path is found I copy the image to the local webserver and rename the proprietary extension, .0D9 to .tif Once the file is renamed to .tif I want the download prompt to come up. You know, where it says, "Open" "Save" "Cancel". I've tried using: $fp = fopen($new_file,"r") ; header("Content-Type: image/tif"); while (! feof($fp)) { $buff = fread($fp,filesize($new_file)); print $buff; } But that just gives me heiroglyphics on the screen instead of prompting the user to download. Here is my code that copies and renames the file: if ($page != "" || $page != " ") { exec("xcopy ".$page." ".$topage.""); } $orig_file = $topage."\\".$objectid.".0D9"; //echo $orig_file; $new_file = $topage."\\".$objectid.".tif"; //echo $new_file; rename($orig_file,$new_file); Any ideas on how to make the browser give the download prompt for $new_file? Thanks, Dan