Hi all,
Yes, you are right, it was due to echo for testing purpose not been
commented out prior to header().
However, there is hidden root cause too -- PHPMailer will echo invalid
address to the screen.
When I have tested with 1 valid email address and 1 invalid with
something@locahost, PHPMailer will echo out the invalid something@localhost.
However, in this case, $mail->send() still will return value of TRUE as long
as at least 1 email been sent out.
After I have commented out all these [echo], no more header issue occur
It's works too using Floyd's recommended javascript! However, the message
will echoed out first before redirect to index.php, but this is fast enough
to be neglectable.
I have one more question regarding error logging.
I have set as below:
ini_set('log_errors', 1);
ini_set('error_log', "http://domain.com/log/logfile.txt");
ini_set('error_reporting', 'E_ALL');
ini_set('error_append_string', '\r\n');
I have simulated an error which can be displayed on screen because I've put
However, the error was not been logged.
Which format should I used for log file? *.log or *.txt?
Since I'm using third party web hosting, I can only access web directory,
should I use
[http://domain.com/log/logfile.*] or
[C:\some_path\domain.com\log\logfile.*] or just
"Floyd Resler" <fresler@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
Another solution would be to use JavaScript. In your process.php script
you could do this:
<script language="javascript">
Not strictly a PHP solution but it works.
Take care,
On Aug 28, 2009, at 5:34 AM, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
On Fri, 2009-08-28 at 17:32 +0800, Keith wrote:
I have a user sign up page that collects sign up information from user
This form will then be submitted to another process.php page for
setting up
the user account and send email to the user.
After the email been sent out, the user will be directed back to
with header("location: index.php").
However, error happen with warning: [Cannot modify header information -
headers already sent by...]
Any workaround for this?
Thanks for help!
You don't need a workaround. The header("Location...") thing will only
work if you have not sent any content to the browser yet. That includes
even a single space or newline.
It looks like in your process.php page, something is being output to the
browser. Are you able to do a code dump of that page?
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