tedd wrote:
At 4:08 PM -0400 8/11/09, Robert Cummings wrote:
tedd wrote:
Hi gang:
I want to show the dates for all Fridays +-30 days from a specific date.
For example, given today's date (8/11/2009) the Fridays that fall
+-30 days are July 17, July 24, July 31, Aug 7, Aug 14, Aug 21, Aug
28, and Sept 4.
I'm curious, how would you guys solve this?
$fridays = array();
for( $i = -30; $i <= 30; $i++ )
$mod = $i < 0 ? $i : '+'.$i;
$time = strtotime( $mod.' day' );
if( date( 'D', $time ) == 'Fri' )
$fridays[] = date( 'Y-m-d', $time );
print_r( $fridays );
That's slick -- you never let me down with your simplicity and creativity.
My solution was to find the next Friday and then cycle through +-28
days (four weeks) from that date, like so:
$fridays = array();
for( $i = 1; $i <= 7; $i++ )
$time = strtotime( $i . ' day' );
if( date( 'D', $time ) == 'Fri' )
$start = 28 - $i;
$end = 28 + $i;
for( $i = -$start; $i <= $end; $i += 7 )
$time = strtotime( $i . ' day' );
$fridays[] = date( 'Y-m-d', $time );
print_r( $fridays );
Your solution had 61 iterations (for loop) while mind had only 21, so
mine's a bit faster. Here's the comparison:
But I'll use your solution -- it's more elegant.
Thanks for the code,
I think Shawn McKenzie's is the best. It seems his would take at most 12
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