2009/7/14 Eddie Drapkin <oorza2k5@xxxxxxxxx> > On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 2:29 AM, Tom Chubb<tomchubb@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > Hi List, > > Just wanted to pick your brains please? > > I'm trying to standardise on the way I query databases and move away from > > the Dreamweaver built-in functions (which I know you all hate!) ;) > > I've been on this list for about 5 years now and I don't think I've ever > > heard anyone mention the Pear packages, eg: MDB_QueryTool and wondered if > > there was any reason why not? > > I found some classes on phpclasses and have already started using one of > > them by Henry Chen and there are plenty more. > > I am still using Dreamweaver as the text editor for PHP on a Mac and > trying > > to code things manually but building SQL queries are one of the biggest > > problems I come across. > > To be honest, Dreamweaver used to be fine but for me, historically on > both > > PC and Mac, after a while it decides that it can connect to the DB but > > cannot see any of the tables which prevent using the wizards which is why > > I'm moving away from it. > > All tutorials on the net are different and I'd like some info on the best > > practices that you guys follow when dealing with MySQL. > > Thanks in advance, > > > > Tom > > > > PS - I'm only dealing with simple queries: show, insert, update, delete, > > etc. > > > > I've always enjoyed writing SQL myself, as it is sort of challenging > and interesting to do, so I've always written them by hand. I'd > recommend learning SQL yourself, as the queries tools generate, in my > experience, are never quite as useful as hand-written, nor as fast. > It's not that difficult to do and if you can't write queries yourself, > whether you do or not, no one is going to take you very seriously as a > web developer. So, my best suggestion to you is to just buck up and > learn SQL, as useless as that is. > That's still useful Eddie, and I suspect that's what a lot of people actually do. I do understand SQL (at a very basic level) but I'm trying to start using the same custom functions for future projects and thought, "I wonder if there's anything in Pear?"