I have staff fill out a form that contains a <textarea> with their
problem description and emailed to me when they click submit. Staff
will press enter in the text area, but I'm having problems converting
the \r\n into a new line in the email that is sent to me, here is the code:
$subject = "new support request #".mysqli_insert_id($mysqli);
$message = "Hello, ".$_SESSION["full_name"]." has created a new support
request. Please log in at <a href=\"http://intra/helpdesk\">MDAH
Helpdesk</a>. The problem request is
and the best time to contact is
$headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
$headers .= "From:
."\r\n" ."X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion();
mail('awilliam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', $subject, $message, $headers);
and here is an example email, notice the \n is still in the body of the
email, and it needs to be converted to a new line in the email:
Hello, Gwendolyn Jones has created a new support request. Please log in
at MDAH Helpdesk <http://intra/helpdesk>. The problem request is "1 of 2
questions: I'm having trouble opening files from Jennifer, Susie, and
Bill because they are working with a higher version of microsoft office.
My version is 2003. Is there any way I could get an update on this?\n2
of 2 questions: I need permission to download a plug-in for the NPS site
where I research NR properties.\nNeither of these questions/issues are
urgent. Thanks. -Gwen". and the best time to contact is "Any time, phone
# is cell".
why isn't nl2br converting the \n to <br> in the email?