Hi, We are in phase of evaluating PHP as Serverside technology for our first web application. We have finalized Flex for user interface and Birt as reporting engine. Now the data services are to be evaluated. Flex forums recommended us using PHP for this. We would like to implement SOA for database access/Inserts/Updates/Queries for report engine BIRT. For SOA implementation we are considering XML-RPC and WSO2-WSF since we dont have any past experience on web development we are not position to make any decisions about PHP serverside technologies can somebody guide use which one we should select (May be different than these two). We will be using flex forms to insert and update data through web services (mainly CRUD operations) and PHP "Query" data services will be acting as Data Source to Birt for reporting. Please suggest us technolgy which is secure and prooven. The problem of integrating Birt in to PHP has been solved and successfully tested also. Thanks and Best Regards Raja