I noticed that php's way to fill $_GET and $_POST is particularly
inefficient when it comes to handling multiple inputs with the same name.
This basically mean that every <select multiple> in order to function
properly needs to have a name ending in '[]'.
Wouldn't it be easier to also make it so that any element that has more
than one value gets added to the GET/POST array as an array of strings
instead of a string with the last value?
I can see the comfort of having the brackets system to create groups of
inputs easily recognizable as such, while I can overlook the
impossibility of having an input literally named 'foobar[]', having to
add [] everytime there is a slight chance of two inputs with the same name.
This sounds flawed to me, as I could easily append '[]' to every input
name and have a huge range of possibilities unlocked by that.
This can't be right. Or can it?
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