Sorry for the delay in response. I was able to figure the number_format() function out. Thanks for all your responses. Gary ""Gary"" <gwpaul@xxxxxxx> wrote in message news:21.39.63007.75193F94@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx >I cant seem to get this to work for me. I want the number to be formated >to money (us, 2 decimal points). I have gone through manual, tried >money_format, number_format, along with setting the variable, but I cant >seem to get it to work. I'm sure it is something simple I am missing. > > Thanks for the help. > > <?php > > $sale_value=$_POST['sale']; > $assess_value=$_POST['assess']; > > $mil_rate=.03965; > $ratio=.51; > > $present_tax=($assess_value) * ($mil_rate); > $correct_tax=($sale_value)*($ratio)*($mil_rate); > $savings=($present_tax)-($correct_tax); > > > echo 'According to the information you have entered<br />';?><br /> > <?php > echo "You are currently paying now $ $present_tax<br /><br />"; > echo "According to the information you have submitted, your taxes should > be $ $correct_tax <br />";?> > <br/><?php > echo "According to our calculations, a successful assessment appeal could > save you annually on your current real estate taxes. <b>$ $savings</b> "; > > ?> > -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: