I have pagination set up and the number for pages "next" has a link but the "next" does not. I have experimented with all sorts of configurations of the code but the only thing that works (and this is totally "off the wall") is to do this *$Count* = *mysql_num_rows($results);* $Count1=*$Count++;* // without this, the "next" does not do the link--- but there is no other $Count1 in the code either in the original page or the include page. > > > > the script should work even if u replace > $Count1 = $Count++; > with > $Count++; > There's a NICE video tutorial available on pagination over the internet. You should watch it. You are counting the number of rows of a result. And you are asking to increase the count by 1. :D Thats not realistic. pagination is done with the help of mySQL's * LIMIT recNUMBER, count* * Look for "Pagination with PHP + MySQL" and watchit http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=10&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bestechvideos.com%2F2008%2F07%2F02%2Fsampsonvideos-php-pagination-part-2&ei=ohn0SdnlL8KLkAWQrNTbCg&usg=AFQjCNEGKOIG3791BpgeVqCiiq5-cikbRA Dont miss this SampsonVideos . PERIOD *Regards Lenin www.twitter.com/nine_L www.lenin9l.wordpress.com