Re: extract varying data from array with different formatting

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Jim Lucas wrote:
> PJ wrote:
>> Jim Lucas wrote:
>>> PJ wrote:
>>>> foreach does a nice job if you want the results identical each time.
>>>> What can you use to change the formatting of the results dependent on
>>>> the number of results.
>>>> Here's an example:
>>>> foreach ( $authors[$bookID] AS $authorID => $authorData ) {
>>>>                 # Display the
>>>>                 echo "{$authorData['first_name']}
>>>> {$authorData['last_name']}\n";
>>>>             }
>>>> will echo - Joe Boe John Blue Andy Candy etc depending on how many
>>>> rows
>>>> we have.
>>>> What I want is: Joe Boe, John Blue, Andy Candy & Hans Stick (
>>>> separated
>>>> by commas, except for the last one which is separated with & .
>>>> I thought of passing a variable to the foreach and then using if
>>>> elseif... but that can't work because the variable is reset to 0 after
>>>> each pass.
>>>> Can't get switch to do it (maybe I don't understand it right.
>>>> Help ?
>>> your answer lies with not replacing foreach to make your life/output
>>> better.  But with how the data is prepared and handed off to the
>>> foreach statement.
>>> I am guessing that what you want would be something like this.
>>> Since this looks like a snippet of code I sent you the other day, I
>>> will snag it "complete" from the other thread.
>>> <?php
>>> ...
>>>         # Test to see if the book has any authors
>>>         if ( isset($authors[$bookID]) ) {
>>>             # Tell us how many authors we found
>>>             echo 'Found: ', count($author[$bookID]), ' authors';
>>>             # Create an array that will hold the output from the DB.
>>>             $aList = array();
>>>             # Loop through the authors
>>>             foreach ( $authors[$bookID] AS $authorID => $authorData ) {
>>>                 # Add all the authors to that new array
>>>                  $aList[] = "{$authorData['last_name']},
>>> {$authorData['first_name']}";
>>>             }
>>>             # Sanitize the output
>>>             $aList = array_map('htmlspecialchars', $aList);
>>>             # Get a count of how many authors their is.
>>>             $tAuthors = count($aList);
>>>             # If more then one, do...
>>>             if ( $tAuthors > 1 ) {
>>>                 # Take the last one off, so we can handle it
>>> differently
>>>                 $last_author = array_pop($aList);
>>>                 echo join(', ', $aList), ' & ', $last_author;
>>>             # If only one, then do...
>>>             } elseif ( $tAuthors == 1 ) {
>>>                 echo join('', $aList);
>>>             }
>>>             echo '<br />';
>>>         } else {
>>>             echo 'No authors found';
>>>         }
>>> ...
>>> ?>
>> Hi Jim,
>> Please excuse my writing to you directly. If you don't think it's
>> proper, just let me know & I'll swing off.
> No problem with hitting me directly, but your findings could be of use
> to others
> since it is cleaner way of solving your problem.
> So, on the list we go....
>> So, while I have your attention and if you have a moment, I found this
>> interesting possibility: someone threw "implode()" at me and I looked it
>> up in the php manual and hey, found and interesting little function:
>> function ImplodeProper($arr, $lastConnector = ' & ')
>> {
>>   if( !is_array($arr) or count($arr) == 0) return '';
>>   $last = array_pop($arr);
>>   if(count($arr))
>>     return implode(', ',$arr).", $lastConnector $last";
>>   else
>>     return $last;
>> }
>> Since my limited understanding of php impedes me to implement it
>> experimentally in my application, I was curious if, indeed, it could be
>> another option. It does look to me like it could work, but it would
>> require a slightly different implementation of the query, probably
>> somehow using something like a CONCAT(first_name, " ", last_name). Am I
>> learning something here or is this the wrong tree to bark up?
> This would be a very nice way to clean up the code
> Although you could do something with CONCAT(), I would suggest leaving
> the code as is.
> Data is all that you want to get from MYSQL, not format.
> Basically, take the above function and place it in a lib you include
> for everything.  Then replace the if/then/else statement that I built
> for you with a
> call to said function.
> <?php
> ...
> function ImplodeProper($arr, $lastConnector = ' & ')
> {
>    if( !is_array($arr) or count($arr) == 0) return '';
>    $last = array_pop($arr);
>    if(count($arr))
>      return implode(', ',$arr).", $lastConnector $last";
>    else
>      return $last;
> }
> ...
>          # Test to see if the book has any authors
>          if ( isset($authors[$bookID]) ) {
>              # Tell us how many authors we found
>              echo 'Found: ', count($author[$bookID]), ' authors';
>              # Create an array that will hold the output from the DB.
>              $aList = array();
>              # Loop through the authors
>              foreach ( $authors[$bookID] AS $authorID => $authorData ) {
>                  # Add all the authors to that new array
>                   $aList[] = "{$authorData['last_name']},
> {$authorData['first_name']}";
>              }
>              # Sanitize the output
>              $aList = array_map('htmlspecialchars', $aList);
>              echo implodeProper($aList), '<br />';
>          } else {
>              echo 'No authors found';
>          }
> ...
> ?>
> That would do the trick.
Sure did. Just have to remove the comma from the line:
    return implode(', ',$arr).", $lastConnector $last"; this give the
last pair of names a separator of , & which is not kosher English - it
should be:
    return implode(', ',$arr)." $lastConnector $last";
I had copied the function as is. :-)

unheralded genius: "A clean desk is the sign of a dull mind. "
Phil Jourdan --- pj@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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