Hi all,
I was wondering if someone might know about a problem I'm having on
my server. It appears that I've been infected by a rogue PHP
script(?). Something has gone through my server and placed .htaccess
files in every directory that didn't have one with contents that look
like this:
Options -MultiViews
ErrorDocument 404 //graphics/cc/111152.php
The path is different for each file and corresponds to the directory
that it's in. The php document name is a different number for each
file I've found.
Does this sound familiar to anyone? What would be the purpose of
placing files like these in the directories? As far as I know, there
isn't a file called "111152.php" anywhere on my site, so this doesn't
make any sense to me.
I realize that this is a very general question, but I'm hoping that
someone has seen or heard of this type of thing before and can help me
eliminate the problem.
I'm using A2 Hosting and they don't know why this happened.
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