Hello my name is Rusu Ionut, i'm from Romania and i was wondering if you have the time to to explain to mea little situation that i encountered. So i have a class: *index *and inside this class i have declared a public array containing some classes, inside the constructor of the class i extract the array variables and call the include function to "include" the array variable which is the reference of an php class file. My Question to you is : how is this possible???? The php doesnt outputs any errors, and i was wondering if this style of codying is making the server to work slower.... here is my code..... class index { public $fisiere=array ( "*main_classes/db/functii.class.php*", "*main_classes/db/mysql.class.php*", "*main_classes/sp/setari_pagina.class.php*", "*main_classes/admin/admin.class.php*", "*main_classes/captcha/captcha.class.php*" ); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ public function __construct() { $eroare=""; foreach($this->fisiere as $key=>$value) { if(!file_exists(url_dinamice.$value)) { *echo "**error!";* } else { * include url_dinamice.$value;* } } } } $indexObj=new index();