tedd wrote:
No problem here -- I'm open to all languages.
The OP posted his question on a php list and that's the reason why I
responded with a php solution.
Now, can you show me how to pull data from a mysql database so that the
input statements can be created dynamically?
On the WebDNA side, it's something like this
(form of "names" from a database):
[SQLExecute conn_ref=conn1&result_var=rs1]
select firstName from employees;
<form ..>
[SQLResult result_ref=rs1]
[!] ** Loop through the results of the query ** [/!]
FirstName [index]:
<input name="fname_[index]" value="[firstName]"><br>
<input type="submit" value="submit">
However, like you said, this a PHP list, so I'd better
refrain from any more WebDNA related posts for a while! ;-)
I don't want to upset the powers that be.
D. BROOKE EUCA Design Center
WebDNA Software Corp.
WEB:> http://www.euca.us | http://www.webdna.us
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