tedd wrote:
At 8:56 AM -0700 3/15/09, Richard Kurth wrote:
This is the form that is being sent as a post and the fieldorder[] is
the part that is not sending properly. But it has worked for about a
year in the script. It just stopped working. and I did not change
anything in this script
-snip- code
If it was my problem, I see the script is riddled with
inconsistencies. As such, I would pass it through validation to
discover all the errors. Then I would fix those errors and then see if
the problem continues.
Granted, some people don't think validation is important, but I'm
positive that I could get your script to work by simply cleaning up
the code.
You are probly right. But I got this script from Rasmus Lerdor about a
year ago and I changed very little. It has worked just fine sence I
started using it. Who am I to question Rasmus's coding. I am now using
$_Request to capture the array for fieldorder[] and $_POST to get the
rest of the data.
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