Hi... Playing around with a test app to spawn external child processes. I'd like to be able to spawn/fork/run am external child process, that: -allows the child processes to run as separate independent processes (pid) -allows the child process(es) to be terminated via cmdline (kill -9 pid) i've got a dynamic situation, where i'm reading from an array, and for each item in the array, i want to spawn/fork the child process. i'd like to be able to have 10 copies of the spawned child process running at the same time. the only way i've been able to get my test working, is to spawn a group of processes, and then to iterate through the group, using an array of pids, and doing a wait for each pid in the array. however, this doesn't satisfy me wanting to have a certain number of simultaneous processes running at the same time.. thoughts/comments/pointers to articles that might demonstrate this would be useful. thanks... i can easily post the sample chunk of code i'm playing with if someone wants to look at it! -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php