Jay Moore wrote:
This is a MySQL class I use and I wanted to get everyone's thoughts on
how/if I can improve it. This is for MySQL only. I don't need to make
it compatible with other databases. I'm curious what you all think.
// Standard MySQL class
class do_mysql
// Constructor
function __construct()
// Destructor
function __destruct()
function do_mysql()
$this->login = '';
$this->pass = '';
$this->link = @mysql_connect('localhost', $this->login,
$this->pass) or die('Could not connect to the database.');
} // End do_mysql
// Functions
function close()
if ($this->link)
} // End close
function fetch_array()
return mysql_fetch_array($this->result);
} // End fetch_array
function last_id()
return mysql_insert_id($this->link);
} // End last_id
function num_rows()
return mysql_num_rows($this->result);
} // End num_rows
function process($database = '')
if (is_null($this->query))
die('Error: Query string empty. Cannot proceed.');
$this->db = @mysql_select_db($database, $this->link) or
die("Database Error: Couldn't select $database <br />" . mysql_error());
$this->result = @mysql_query($this->query, $this->link) or
die('Database Error: Couldn\'t query. <br />' . mysql_error() . "<br
/><br /> $this->query");
} // End process
function sanitize(&$ref)
$ref = mysql_real_escape_string($ref);
} // End sanitize
} // End do_mysql
Sample usage:
$value = 'value';
$sql = new do_mysql();
$sql->query = "SELECT * FROM `wherever` WHERE `field` = '$value'";
if ($sql->num_rows())
while ($row = $sql->fetch_array())
do stuff;
I think I'd use one of 20+ Pear classes. They are pretty throughly tested
because of the thousands of users.
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