Re: Couple of beginner questions

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At 3:02 PM +0000 1/11/09, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
On Sun, 2009-01-11 at 09:46 -0500, tedd wrote:
 At 1:49 PM +0000 1/11/09, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
 > >
 >Unless it's something like this:
 >echo "<h1 class=\"$headerClass\">$whatever</h1>";
 > >?>
 Here's the alterative I would use:

 > <h1 class="<php echo($headerClass);?>"><php echo($whatever);?></h1>

I'm not wanting ti nitpick, but what if there were several attributes
you needed to populate from the PHP? I just find it easier on my eyes to
include HTML in the PHP string that's being output, but I can see the
definite merits for echoing out single parts that would only get in the
way of the HTML.

Nitpick as much as you want -- we all have our level of accommodation.

To me, there usually is a clear demarcation between the different languages, their scope, and best application. If I had to deal with several attributes, such as shown here:
<h1 class="red header">Hello World</h1>

I would write it up like so:

$header_class = "red header";
$whatever = "Hello World";

<h1 class="<php echo($header_class);?>"><php echo($whatever);?></h1>

In my css, I would have

   color: #ff0000;

   font-size: 1.2em;

That would solve the problem of several attributes and keep php, html, and css separate.
So handling numerous attributes would not be a problem for me.




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