Re: IE Problem Detecting Post Variables

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Ashley Sheridan wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-01-02 at 18:06 -0500, Andrew Ballard wrote:
>> On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 1:15 PM, Micah Gersten <micah@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> You might want to consider the button element which allows you to
>>> display images, but doesn't send back coordinates.  Instead it sends a
>>> preset value.
>>> Thank you,
>>> Micah Gersten
>> If you mean an INPUT element with the type="button", then yes.
>> (Although it will no longer be a submit button, so you'll have to
>> capture the click and perform the submit using Javascript which leads
>> back to accessibility issues, etc.)
>> If you mean a BUTTON element of the type="submit", then not exactly.
>> It *will* send a preset value for sure, but that preset value will
>> differ depending on the browser. I've found that while FF will send
>> the value you set in the value="..." attribute, IE will send the
>> actual text of the button. Thus,
>> <button name="test" value="blue">My Button Text</button>
>> will send 'test=blue' in FF, but 'test=My+Button+Text' in IE. I'm
>> assuming this is because for <INPUT type="submit"> buttons, the text
>> content of the button IS the value in the value="..." attribute.
>> Whatever the reason, that was a fun lesson to track down the first
>> time I had people tell me a page I wrote didn't work in IE.
>> Andrew
> Lets all march forward and renounce IE as a useful piece of software!
> Ash

Agreed.  According to the spec, the FF action is correct.  I just heard
IE's user share dropped below 70%.  One day we will hopefully be able to
say goodbye to it.

Thank you,
Micah Gersten
onShore Networks
Internal Developer

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