Re: Will not report errors what can I do

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Jim Lucas wrote:
> Johny John wrote:
>> HI Terion,
>> Please put the error reporting on top of the page and try. If you have
>> any
>> errors in the include file, it won't execute the rest of commands.
>> Make the
>> changes to code as follows.
>> <?php
>> error_reporting(E_ALL);
>> ini_set('display_errors', '1');
>> include("inc/dbconn_open.php");
>> ?>
>> Regards,
>> Johny John
> This still doesn't address his possible parse error problem.  If he has
> a parse error, it makes no difference where he places the above lines.
> Nothing is going to work.
> It should be done via one of the three methods that mention in my other
> email.

Putting it in the file is ideal if he can't set up his server to do it
via one of the other methods, however if he HAS set it up via other
methods, you normally HAVE to restart the server processes so that they
re-read the PHP.ini file so they actually will DO the changes that you
have made to them.

Otherwise you are just wasting more time.


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