Andrew Ballard wrote:
On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 9:59 AM, <ceo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The one thing that's always tripped me up with ASP sites is that you have to add EVERY input, even the type="submit" with the correct value from the one and only submit button on the page.
Again, I think that's the ASP.NET part.
Not sure what the ASP code monkeys are doing with their point-and-click UI, but I presume it's just a boilerplate operation that needs the submit input just in case they add a second button some day.
I've had the same problem with Zend_Form, honestly.
The variable names shouldn't need URLencoding in any proper webapp, but try it and see.
Well, they either need to contain valid URL characters or they need to
be encoded. If you have a variable name that contains an equal sign
(crazy, but can be technically valid since names are just strings --
to me it seems little less crazy than including square brackets in a
variable name in HTML) it will have to be escaped.
Use Firefox LiveHTTPHeaders to see what goes back-n-forth on a real working exchange as well.
I agree. It's definitely a lifesaver. FWIW, there is a similar tool
for IE too, if you ever find yourself stuck for one of those lovely
cases where the site works fine in Firefox but not in IE.
I agree too. Thank you, those responses were very useful, in particular
Firefox LiveHTTPHeaders. This gives the full post variables on the
submission of the form, using this I could get a correct response and
work back, compare the syntax and very carefully substitute my own
variables. I found that the code I was using to get the VIEWSTATE was
in fact correct:
preg_match('/<input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE"
id="__VIEWSTATE" value="([^"]*?)" \/>/', $html, $matches); //- from curl php with slight amendment
$viewstate = $matches[1];
$viewstate = urlencode($viewstate);
but Firefox LiveHTTPHeaders then helped enormously in putting all the
other variables in the right place and avoid errors. I also found out
that the server was doing a logic check on one of the variables
(December was returned as 11 for the javascript calendar) which became
obvious once everything else was working.
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