At 8:20 PM +0000 11/17/08, Stut wrote:
On 17 Nov 2008, at 19:43, Yeti wrote:
Ok, ok I admit it. PHP is a programming language. I guess I drank too
much assembly code today.
Seriously tho, I define programming / coding / software development
as writing instructions for a computer to follow. I don't care
whether you do it in Perl, PHP, C, C++, Ruby, Python, COBOl or
assembly, you're programming.
If you feel that you need to demote people using certain languages
to less than programmers then 1) don't ever expect a job from me,
and 2) get over yourself and try living in the real world where the
problem that matters more than the solution.
And the computer does not have to be electronic nor the language written.
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