Hi Guys,
So here's what I'm looking for as a result(ex):
array ('html' => array('iOutput' => array('iIO' => array() )),
'xml' => array('iInput' => array('iIO' => array() )),
'database' => array('iData',
'iOutput' => array('iIO' => array())
This is a requirement tree which will be populated via my method
Ember::setPreReq(). I'm not sure how to develop this method properly,
Ember::setPreReq() is a method I'm using as part of my framework that
includes files needed by components in a clean manner, as well as
allowing me map the requirements in an array that can be used for
debugging purposes.
Definition thus far:
* Public Static Method getPrereq
* @param fpaFiles Array(String, Integer)
* Allows files to get prerequisite files to be included and initilized
* if required.
* fpaFiles format:
* array( 'test.php' => Ember::mciSystem,
'test2.php' => Ember::mciModule );
const mciSystem = 0;
const mciModule = 1;
const mciLibrary = 2;
const mciInterface = 3;
const mciException = 4;
public static function setPrereq($fpaFiles) {
global $gcSystemPath, $gcLibaryPath, $gcInterfacePath;
foreach ( $fpaFiles as $fFile => $fType ) {
switch ($fType) {
// mciSystem
case 0:
// mciModule
case 1:
// mciLibrary
case 2:
$fFile = $gcLibraryPath . $fFile . '.php';
// mciInterface
case 3:
$fFile = $gcInterfacePath . $fFile . '.php';
if ( !file_exists($fFile) ) {
throw new Exception("File '$fFile' does not exist", 1003);
@include_once $fFile or ( throw new Exception("File '$fFile'
could not be included.", 1003) );
// mciException
case 4:
Example Call:
Ember::setPrereq( array('iOutput' => Ember::mciInterface) );
Any help is apreceated. I'm not sure where to go next to build this array.
- Craige
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