Apologies for posting a monthly/yearly recurring theme here..
If someone can add links to previous discussions relating to the same,
that could help too.
I'd like to use subversion on a home unix server of mine to keep track
of my projects.
I dont even know what i need for a good intergration of subversion when
i run my software on shared hosted unix and develop on windows.
I've got windows shellintergration (a virtual drive) for all my remote
storage, and atm use aptana studio as my editor.
My home unix server is accessible (http & ftp atm) from the outside world..
My question is how to intergrate a subversion repository so that i can
easilly checkout files on my windows development box (pref even from the
editor; must support syntax highlighting too), and then update my
sourcetree on the shared hosting (or another temp test server).
If possible, i'd like to avoid using subversion commandline instructions
and use a web-interface.
Ofcourse, i can do some things with subversion cmdline instr and put
that in a php file.
I want to avoid as much (typing) overhead as possible for each operation
i need to do.
And i'd also like to know what visual interface to subversion most
easilly manages the repository, creating/deleting branches from the main
development line, etc.
Please reply-to-all.
Background: my motivation for using a version control system in the
first place;
The software i develop (http://mediabeez.ws) runs on multiple servers,
mostly unix.
On each of these servers, i use symlinks to point from sites
.../www/site-name.com/mediaBeez to a common .../mediaBeez-1.x directory
that contains the code.. The code itself uses the http hostname to
determine which config-file (containing db and theme settings) to use.
Up until now i havent used any version-control besides properly naming
code directories and copying them with windows explorer after each
significant change.
This has worked fine up until recently.
My software runs on shared hosting and not everything (like video
conversions to flash video) can be done there on that shared server. So
now my software runs on 2 servers at the same time, calling functions in
the same php library file (lib_import.php). I had to keep both files
open in my editor, and after each saveable change manually copy them to
the other copy of the same file.
That's no problem if its just 1 file, but i had 6 of them.
Needless to say, it takes too much concentration if there are more files
involved. Up to 5 files on 2 servers simultaniously is doable, but more
than that is a real attention-drain and nuisance.
My main development box runs windows vista.
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