Ashley Sheridan wrote:
On Sun, 2008-10-12 at 18:04 +0100, Nathan Rixham wrote:
Alain Roger wrote:
i would like to know if you are a lot to use PHP templates for your web
application or web sites ?
if yes, which one do you use (smarty, pear, yapter, phplib,...) ?
and for which reason ? what is/are the advantages over the others ?
thanks a lot,
I'd vote smarty or using xslt; smarty is very good and nine out of 10
designers I know prefer it.
XSLT is for transforming XML documents, so not good for use as a PHP
I guess it depends how you program, personally I like to program
everything API style nowadays, dumping out my script output/objects as
XML then transforming where needed with XSL; you can do it client side
or server side using - it is a
nice portable way of doing things (especially when having multiple front
ends (or using the same system for multiple sites), however as a
standard stick these variables into this bit of the (x)html then a
conventional "template engine" is what you need.
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