Function parameters and arrays

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I am trying to pass a multi dimmed array as a variable parameter to a custom 
function to build a query for me.  Here is the basic code and what I am 

$WhereList[0][0] = 'OESalesOrder.OrderNo';
$WhereList[0][1] = '=';
$WhereList[0][2] = '2272';
$SQLString = SQLCall('OESalesOrder',$FieldList,$WhereList);

I then use a foreach in the function to process it.

$i = 0;
  foreach(func_get_arg(2) as $WhereArray) {
   echo $WhereArray[0][0];
   if($i == 0) {
    $SQLStmt .= ' ' . $WhereArray[$i][0] . ' ' . $WhereArray[$i][1] . ' ' . 
    $i += 1;
   } else {
    $SQLStmt .= ' ' . $WhereArray[$i][0] . ' ' . $WhereArray[$i][1] . ' ' . 
$WhereArray[$i][2] . ' ' . $WhereArray[$i][3];
    $i += 1;

What I get when it processes is the first three letters of [0][0]
[0][0] = O
[0][1] = E
[0][2] = S

Did I do something wrong, or is this not possible?  I have done an array 
processing this way before, but not multidimmed.


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