let's take an example.
1. user types in his favorite browser www.website.com
2. www.website.com/index.php redirects user to
www.website.com/en/welcome/ (index.php within /welcome) thanks the
following command: header("Location:
3. however, as /en/welcome does not exist, apache sends an error
message: The requested URL /se_internet/en/welcome/ was not found on
this server.
What's this "se_internet"? It looks to me that you've got a
se_internet is simple the physical folder in which my files and
therefore website is/are.
even if i have in my .htaccess file:
RewriteRule ^/([A-Za-z0-9-]+)/welcome/$ /welcome/index.php?lang=$1 [NC,L]
What comes before this line?
If all you should have is a 2-letter language code, you should use:
or, if you want to ensure only certain language codes are used:
^([de|fr|en])/welcome (for example)
this is very interesting. i try it
4. user should at the end have in his browser address bar
http://www.website.com/en/welcome but apache would reroute user to
so where is the problem ?
is there a problem with RewriteRule when you reroute only virtual
folders ?
I think you need to post your entire rewrite rules.
so here it is:
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /se_internet/
RewriteRule ^([de|fr|en])/welcome/$ welcome/index.php?lang=$1 [NC,L]
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