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Diogo Neves schreef:
On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 4:40 PM, Jochem Maas <jochem@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Diogo Neves schreef:
nop... I wanna manipulate the $this and the $arguments, and possible
don't even execute the private method...
I'm tring to develop a "hook system" for my classes... and i simple
don't wanna to do all the hook verification every method of the class
I'll send my files for you to see what I'm doing in "do something" on
my __call() funtion
the code looks messy what with the global $hooks, functions required for hooking
(the function name class_hooker() is very funny btw) and you seem to
be mixing static/non-static class calls willy-nilly.
I'd rethink this if I we're you. if every can be hooked, then make the
hooking should be part of a base class, possibly a factory method for object
creation will help to keep things clean and in one place. a generic 'hooking'
decorator object might also be an idea. or maybe just using subclasses to
change/augment behaviour is a much simpler and cleaner approach.
your code makes me think of the hooking mechanism in WordPress ... works okay,
but it's a nightmare to code to (imho).
BTW. function and method names beginning with '__' are considered reserved
by the engine, it's not best practice to name userland functions/methods
things like '__magic'
On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 2:38 PM, Jochem Maas <jochem@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Diogo Neves schreef:
hi all,
I'm sending this email only to ask if someone know if the works of
__call in private methods is bug or feature.
class user {
public function __call ( $name, $arguments ) {
do something
return call_user_func( array( $this, $name ), $arguments );
the fatal error occurs because the method exists, but it's
private ... __call() is only called if the method does not exist
at all:
class user {
public function __call($m, $a) {
if (is_callable(array($this, "_".$m)))
return $this->{"_".$m}( $a );
private function _xpto($a)
$u = new user;
$u->xpto(1, 2, 3);
private function xpto ( $arguments ) {
do something
new $user = new user();
the first 'new' is incorrect me thinks.
Fatal error: Call to private method user::xpto() from context '' in
xpto.php on line 11
what a fucking I was thinking?
well, it don't have this public method, then it sholdn't know it
exists, then go to __call()
i really don't know if it make any sense to someone else, but it still
make sense to me
any thoughts?
---- ----
Thanks by your attention,
Diogo Neves
Developer @ by
---- ----
Thanks by your attention,
Diogo Neves
Developer @ by
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