Re: Is this a bug?

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Jochem Maas wrote:
> T Lensselink schreef:
>> Catalin Zamfir Alexandru, DATAGRAM SRL wrote:
>>> Hello guys,
>>>                 I've been stalking on the list for some time. Didn't
>>> have
>>> anything to report/talk, until now. I have a code like this, maybe
>>> you guys
>>> can reproduce it, with output buffering started:
>>> Echo 'something';
>>> Echo 'another thing';
>>> Echo 'something <br />'\;
>>>                 What happens is that ANYTHING that was echo'ed until
>>> that \,
>>> will not reach the buffer. Although, this should actually be a Parse
>>> Error,
>>> it isn't, it just echoes what was echoed after the god damned \. It
>>> took me
>>> two hours to find this typo in the code .
> ouch.
> don't forget you can do:
> $> php - l yourscript.php
> to test for syntax errors (the warning does show up with this).
> additionally a good syntax highlighting editor can help you to spot
> stuff like this ... anything to stop the eyes from bleeding :/
>>>                 Can you guys reproduce the error? I can actually
>>> give you a
>>> link to the server where this code runs.
>> The script doesn't cause a parse error Instead it throws a warning.
>> 'PHP Warning:  Unexpected character in input:  '\' (ASCII=92) state=1
>> in'
>> Don't think it's a bug. And the reason there's no syntax error is
>> because the \ is a PHP
>> escape character.
> is this character ever valid as an escape character outside of a string?
> if it is that's news to me and if it isn't then really it is a bug ...
> it should be a straight up parse error ... chances are that it's down
> to limitations in the lexer?
> the output buffer handler that seems to be swallowing the warning every
> second request .... now that is weird.
I don't think it should be valid outside a string. But PHP seems to see
this different.
The only reason i could think of. Is that the \ somehow is a registered
symbol. So it throws
a non fatal E_COMPILE_ERROR. Could be a bug. That's for the guys on
internals to decide.
I'd also expect a parse error.

With output buffering enabled i still get the same warning on every request.

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