O/H Jochem Maas έγραψε:
Robert Cummings schreef:
On Sun, 2008-08-24 at 13:35 +0100, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
On Sat, 2008-08-23 at 22:17 -0400, Robert Cummings wrote:
On Sun, 2008-08-24 at 01:32 +0200, Jochem Maas wrote:
Ólafur Waage schreef:
You can read about the header function.
hi Ólafur,
his situation doesn't require a redirect (he only thinks it does),
and redirects suck when used unecessarily. (plenty of info on the web
about why this is so ... hunt for a 'rant' by the formidable
Richard Lynch
in the archives of this list for instance)
Oh dear, not this BS again. If the content is different then perform a
redirect. Do you really want your login page to be indexed as your
homepage? Lynch's arguments on this were weak.
Application and Templating Framework for PHP
I thought the arguments were very valid, but can be take to the
point of
extreme. Keep similar pages grouped into one PHP file. After all, this
is what PHP is for. Don't try to replicate your HTML pages as PHP
thats a silly idea and takes more time to manage.
You're confusing using a front page loader with redirection. The
distinction being that I would suggest that you redirect to the URL that
your front loader would use to load a given page rather than just
presenting said page within another page's context to save a redirect.
you wouldn't have to frakkin' redirect if the links used by said front
controller were generated correctly to start with ... it's the whole
using a
select box to choose a page (unless it's to set window.location to the
value of the
selected option in the select box) ... that sucks.
Late reply but I kind of enjoy when Battlestar Gallactica dirty speech
is making it's presence to this list (frak). Perhaps I could make a
table in mysql with all the known phrases for me to search when I am in
a lame mood. I believe that I have run into a list somewhere in the web.
there is no need to use redirection in this case, it's just f'ing lazy.
(to be clear ... I'm lazy now and again ;-) but at least I know it)
redirection should be used sparingly, and fudging SE friendly urls
back into
your own application IS NOT such as case.
no idea wtf you meant with the login page reference - way too obtuse
an argument
for me to follow.
yeah mine an ice cold one thanks.
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