Should I send replies to just the list?, or is the etiquette to reply-
fun? work? you must be new :-)
new to PHP; could get boring after a long time with it, sure... but I
have that 'coder's bug'... i.e. once fluent, then creatively solving
problems is fun!
okay enough jokes (but now you know the list flavor at least)
Thank God! ..for lightness/humor. :-P ..esp. in these otherwise dry
circles of coding!
becareful with getcwd(), look into other methods of determining
paths, e.g. dirname(__FILE__).
The page I am making needs to work in any old PHP-enabled dir we stick
it in. (It's only for internal html generation, for now.)
double quotes interpolate variables, single quotes don't.
this *could* be written as:
echo $file, '<br />';
use == to test equality, = is to set a variable.
all your time and precision will always be appreciated!
if (stripos(strrev($file), "gpj.") === 0) {
echo $file;
note the ===, 3 equals signs here is very important! check the docs
for why.
== means 'equals', and === means 'is identical to'.
Seems like they would do the same thing when comparing '0' to 'the
position in the string where that substr is found'. Why not?
or you could go a little more robust with regular expressions
if (preg_match("#^.*\.(jpe?g|gif|png)$#i", $file) {
echo $file; // any image file is echo'ed
ahhh reg expressions. So looking forward to when I can see PHP
properly/clearly enough to throw them in too! (meanwhile I better get
the basics first ;-)
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